Friday, March 2, 2012

Drink More Water

Functions of water in the body: Within the body, water is an essential component of tissue cells and all body fluids. It also acts as a universal medium in which many chemical reactions take place. It acts as a carrier aiding digestion, absorption, circulation and excretion.

It is essential in the regulation of body temperature, acts as a lubricant for joints and visceral movements within the abdomen, and is the medium in which virtually all your water products are eliminated.

Daily Water Losses and Gains:  Normally the body will eliminate about 72 ounces of water a day via the lungs as water vapor, the skin as sweat, in our stools, and by the kidneys as urine. About 12 ounces is formed in the cells as an end-product of food metabolism. If the net loss is not taken in, we become dehydrated. Most folks are.

Dehydration: Water is more essential to life than food. We may go for weeks without food, but only days without water. We may lose all of our reserve glycogen and fat and about half of the body protein without great danger, but a loss of 10% of body water is serious and 20-22% is fatal.

The average person does not drink enough water:  One guide to use is half your body weight in fluid ounces. So, a person weighing 150 pounds would need to drink 75 ounces daily to stay well hydrated. At first a lot of water may be required to flush the waste products and toxins from the blood and tissues. As this normalizes, less will be required. A minimum of eight 8-oz. glasses/day is necessary at all times. 

Cool water is ok, but ice water should not be taken. Room temperature or slightly warm is best.

Do you think that you are drinking enough water every day?  What would help you drink more water than you are now?

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