Saturday, March 17, 2012

Experiment To Water Plants, Based on Dr. Masaru Emoto's "Hidden Messages In Water"

New Experiment

I'm conducting a new experiment, based on Dr. Masaru Emoto's findings in his book "Hidden Messages In Water" (as seen in the movie "What The Bleep Do We Know").  Dr. Emoto states that the structure of water molecules changes in response to the messages received via word, music and thought messages,

I'll water three sage plants of similar height and fullness (shown in the photo below) with three different jars of water.  I bought all three plants at the same local plant nursery on March 15, with the assumption that all three have received the same care. 

One plant, as a control, will receive regular City of San Diego tap water.  The second plant will receive tap water which will be given positive messages.   The third plant will receive tap water which will be given negative messages. I filled three glass canning jars at the same time, and all three  have been handled the same way other than the two receiving the positive and negative messages.

The second jar of water has been covered with sticky notes on which I have written positive messages:  Love, Peace, Joy, Truth, a drawing of a flower, and a drawing of a heart.  It has been placed in my bedroom where I play soothing meditation music.

Image of Dr. Emoto's frozen water crystal after receiving the words "Love and Gratitude"

The third jar of water has been covered with sticky notes on which I have written negative messages:  Hatred, Demon, Lies, Poverty, Anger. Hunger, Disease.  It is in the living area near the TV (which produces a lot of negative messages and where my son plays video games of war and death and destruction). I will also be playing heavy metal music in this area occasionally for the purpose of this experiment.

Image of Dr. Emoto's frozen water crystal after heavy metal music is played

Each of the sage plants will be labeled, and each will receive water from its designated jar throughout the experiment.  It will be interesting to see the effect on the plants in the next 2-3 weeks.  I'll post photos of the plants every 2-3 days to show how they look.

Do you think they will all grow the same?  Or do you think the water they are given will have an effect on them?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Effect of Microwaved Water on Basil Plants: The 20 Day Test

Ok, so I got an email from my cousin - you know, one of those viral emails that everyone forwards?

This email claimed that an elementary school student's science project tested the effect of microwaved water on a plant, with a second plant acting as control and given tap water.  The photos in the email were pretty dramatic, showing the plant receiving the microwaved water as shriveled and dying.  I checked (also known as Urban Legends) and they reported that it was False.  Here's the link to the report on their website:

Well, emails went back and forth between me, my cousin, and several other recipients on the email list, debating if it were true.  As a result of this flurry of emails, I took up the challenge to perform my own experiment.

I went to my favorite local plant nursery, well-known for the quality of its plants, and chose two basil plants that were as similar as possible (Why basil? Cause if they survive, I can always harvest them and add them to my spaghetti sauce, right?)

I brought them home and placed them both on my kitchen windowsill, side by side. They were in the same environment and received the same amount of sunshine.  Here's the two plants the day I bought them - Day 0.  Same height, same fullness, same healthy green color.

Day 0
 That first day, I filled a glass bowl with tap water and microwaved it for two minutes, until it was boiling, and let it cool to room temperature, then poured it into a pint-size canning jar and put a lid on it.

I filled the teakettle with tap water and heated it on the stove until it boiled, then also let it cool to room temperature, and poured it into a quart-size canning jar.  I used different sized jars so I could easily tell them apart and ensure they wouldn't get mixed up.

Since the plants had been watered at the nursery the day I bought them, I waited until Day 2 to water them at home.  Here's a photo of the plants on Day 2.  They both still look the same.

Day 2

I watered the plants every other day, and they continued to sit side by side on my kitchen windowsill.  There wasn't any noticeable difference for several days, but then by Day 10, I could tell the plant getting the microwaved water was looking puny, while the plant getting the boiled tap water was thriving:

Day 10

I felt so sorry for the poor thing, I decided to try to resuscitate it by giving it and the other plant both some rain water and a little direct sunshine out on the patio, since it was a nice warm day.

But when I emailed my cousin and told him I planned to rescue the plant, he encouraged me to continue the experiment and do a taste test after the plants grew bigger.  So I continued to give the one plant the microwaved water, and the other plant the tap water boiled on the stove.

At Day 20, here is what they look like:

Day 20

 The poor little basil plant getting the microwaved water is nearly dead. 

I don't know about you..... but I'm avoiding using the microwave from now on!

Do you think I should send this to Snopes and let them know that in this case, it's True that microwaved water will kill plants?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Coriander Oil Treats Food Poisoning, and Drug-Resistant Infections (MRSA)

Coriander Oil (cilantro) Can Be Used to Treat Food Poisoning and Drug-Resistant Infections (MRSA)     
by Jonathan Benson, staff writer, Natural News

(NaturalNews) Food-borne illness outbreaks and the growing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant "superbugs" are two very serious societal problems for which researchers say they are actively looking for viable solutions. But one such solution found right in nature is coriander oil, which has been found to kill a number of different bacterial strains, as well as aid in digestion and treat the symptoms of food poisoning.

Dr. Fernanda Domingues and her colleagues from the University of Beira Interior in
Portugal tested the effects of coriander oil, an essential oil extracted from the seeds of the coriander plant, also known as cilantro, on twelve different bacterial strains, including Escherichia coli (E. coli), Salmonella enterica, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), the infamous hospital superbug.

Published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology, their findings revealed that solutions containing just a 1.6 percent concentration of coriander oil or less were all effective at killing all twelve bacterial strains, to some degree or another. A powerful, natural antibiotic, coriander oil appears to be a promising candidate for new uses not only in food preservation, but also in medicine as a type of natural antibiotic.

"The results indicate that coriander oil damages the membrane surrounding the bacterial cell," said Dr. Domingues about how the essential oil works. "This disrupts the barrier between the cell and its environment and inhibits essential processes including respiration, which ultimately leads to death of the bacterial cell."

Besides its antibacterial effects, coriander oil has a wide range of other therapeutic uses as well, including as an analgesic (pain reliever), anti-rheumatic, antispasmodic, and anti-fungal medicine. Used in many Indian dishes, coriander seeds and oil are also recognized as powerful digestive aids that can mitigate the damage caused by food poisoning, as well as stimulate and revitalize the body (

"This research encourages the design of new food additives containing coriander oil that would combat food-borne pathogens and prevent bacterial spoilage," added Domingues. "Coriander oil could also become a natural alternative to common antibiotics. We envisage the use of coriander in clinical drugs in the form of lotions, mouth rinses and even pills; to fight multidrug-resistant bacterial infections that otherwise could not be treated."

To learn more about the amazing health benefits of coriander oil, visit:

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Friday, March 2, 2012

Drink More Water

Functions of water in the body: Within the body, water is an essential component of tissue cells and all body fluids. It also acts as a universal medium in which many chemical reactions take place. It acts as a carrier aiding digestion, absorption, circulation and excretion.

It is essential in the regulation of body temperature, acts as a lubricant for joints and visceral movements within the abdomen, and is the medium in which virtually all your water products are eliminated.

Daily Water Losses and Gains:  Normally the body will eliminate about 72 ounces of water a day via the lungs as water vapor, the skin as sweat, in our stools, and by the kidneys as urine. About 12 ounces is formed in the cells as an end-product of food metabolism. If the net loss is not taken in, we become dehydrated. Most folks are.

Dehydration: Water is more essential to life than food. We may go for weeks without food, but only days without water. We may lose all of our reserve glycogen and fat and about half of the body protein without great danger, but a loss of 10% of body water is serious and 20-22% is fatal.

The average person does not drink enough water:  One guide to use is half your body weight in fluid ounces. So, a person weighing 150 pounds would need to drink 75 ounces daily to stay well hydrated. At first a lot of water may be required to flush the waste products and toxins from the blood and tissues. As this normalizes, less will be required. A minimum of eight 8-oz. glasses/day is necessary at all times. 

Cool water is ok, but ice water should not be taken. Room temperature or slightly warm is best.

Do you think that you are drinking enough water every day?  What would help you drink more water than you are now?